More than 35 years innovating in lighting solutions

Prilux, lighting focused on the needs of the people

Prilux is a second-generation family company specialized in creating unique environments and light experiences, improving the quality of life, the security, and the well-being of people.

We offer our own developed smart lighting solutions, innovative, personalized with high added value. Our control systems allow an optimal management of the consumption and an important energy saving.

Prilux, more than just a manufacturer

Our lean manufacturing system allows us to offer the market competitive solutions, within the required lead-time, satisfying our clients’ needs.

We are a proactive and multidisciplinary team. We enjoy our work, offering unique lighting experiences.

Personalization, flexibility, efficiency, and sustainability are the pillars that move us to design and manufacture “Made in Spain” luminaires and technology.

+36 years of experience

Own manufacture

+200 professionals

Warehouse and production center 16.500m2 Toledo and 13.000m3 Sant Llorenç de Hortons (Barcelona)

Your strategic partner for projects

We advise our clients from the beginning, creating solid relationships and achieving their goals.

Facing new challenges together, we work in a personalized way. Our international expansion strategy and presence in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America allows us to collaborate locally.

We connect the present with the future through innovation

Serving a constantly changing market, we develop new luminaires and control solutions.

Our experience and a dynamic engineering team allows us to be at the forefront of lighting design and control systems. Our vision of the future makes us a benchmark in the sector.

We develop technologies to reduce energy consumption, generating savings and improving the environment.

We offer the market smart solutions “Made in Spain”, for cities of the future, that go beyond lighting, to meet the needs and expectations of society.

Cutting-edge laboratory

Clean rooms



Technical training rooms

Committed to sustainability

Environmental responsibility

We are aware of the importance of society’s contribution to the care and conservation of the environment.

Within Prilux’s business strategy, we have developed our own environmental policy, based on compliance with regulations and continuous improvement of our processes.

Energy policy

At Prilux we have established energy efficiency systems and processes, constantly improving the use and consumption of energy within our facilities. Thanks to the implementation of an energy management system, in accordance with the UNE-ISO 50001 UNE-ISO 50001 standard, we have optimized economic costs and greenhouse gas emissions

SST Policy

We have the Commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injuries and deterioration of health derived from the work of its workers and other people affected by its activity that it puts into practice in its activities.

Corporate culture focused on sustainability.

Research and development for the environment.

Circular economy strategy.

Total Quality, the key to business excellence

“What is not defined, cannot be measured. What is not measure it, cannot be improved. What is not improved, is always degraded”. This famous quote from the physicist and mathematician Sir William Thomson. Inspires the actions that Prilux implements to guarantee the highest quality of its solutions and systems.

We work towards “Total Quality” as a strategic management model. Our goal is to be aware of the search for excellence in all processes. This model increases company efficiency and flexibility.

At Prilux, we have the following certifications, issued by SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance):

Lighting solutions for all types of projects. Consult our wide portfolio of products and technical solutions.

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Specialists in technological and innovative lighting solutions

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