Leon Cathedral

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Leon Cathedral

Prilux renews the lighting on the west façade of León Cathedral. The replacement of the old lighting has resulted in savings of more than 63% with our modular HEXAGON PLAY floodlight.

Proposed solution: reduce pollution and facilitate maintenance

We provide a mixed lighting solution designed specifically for the project that takes advantage of RGBW lighting units and white modules while using different optical solutions to optimise the emitted lumen flux and reduce light pollution. This, of course, has been accompanied by a technological upgrade of the electricity grid that is easy to access and maintain. In total, 35 HEXAGON PLAY 2X RGBW modules and one white single-colour front module have been installed.

results: architectural enhancement and increased energy savings

From an ornamental point of view, at Prilux we have implemented a lighting solution that highlights the natural colour of the stone, the design and every detail of the architectural space, every curve, every contour, as if the building were alive, telling a story through the play of light and shadow. It is not just about illuminating a façade, monument or building, but about creating an immersive experience that transports citizens and tourists to another time and place.

On the technical side, the main objective in replacing the old metal halide and sodium projects with Prilux architectural lighting solutions was to achieve considerable energy and maintenance savings. And we have succeeded. Thanks to the renovation of the electronic systems and the change to LED technology, the new lighting on the façade of the León church has seen savings of up to 65%.

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