Special Lighting “Made in Spain” | Report SmartLighting

Javier Cañamero, Marketing Director of the Prilux Group, explains the keys to the company’s “Made in Spain” and its position in the national and international lighting markets.

In your opinion and in general, what is the quality of the manufacture of “Made in Spain” luminaires in our country? Is it a strong, competitive industry?

I think the quality of the lighting manufacturers in Spain is quite high. In fact, export figures are rising year after year and the forecast for 2017 is that it will be over 500 million euros, increasing by 7% compared to last year.

It is an industry that is gaining in weight over the years. Exports account for 37% of total exports. But we are still a long way from countries like Germany, the leader in Europe with a sector 5 times larger, or Italy, 2.5 times larger. France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands also have a greater weight than us in Europe. The positive thing is that the image of our products in Europe is good, although we have the handicap of improving our image and reputation through more powerful marketing.

What is needed to boost Spanish manufacturing industry and make it more competitive?

There must be more aid for investment in industry. Not only in the lighting sector, but in general. Spain is one of the countries where industry has a lower share of GDP. We are a long way from Eastern European countries, leaders in industrialisation and Germany. Such aid for both investment and R&D would help to create, in many cases, skilled jobs.

Is it profitable to manufacture lighting solutions in Spain, with an Asian manufacturing industry with high market penetration?

Of course. In fact, it is one of our biggest bets and year after year it improves in figures and margins. There are many customers who are looking for products with a guaranteed quality and the penetration of Asian products is usually in very basic and high rotation products For this reason, in the manufacture of Made in Spain, the products are provided with added value that the market values.

Is quality paid for? Are we in a market that pays for quality or in a price war’ market?

This is an issue that costs more. People want quality but it has to be at a reasonable price. One of our hallmarks is to manufacture products with a very good quality/price ratio. There are both markets. There are both markets. When we talk about basic products such as LED lamps or donwlights for not very demanding installations, it is totally “price warfare”, but fortunately projects are carried out where the quality of the product prevails, although as I mentioned before, always at a reasonable price.

Para leer el reportaje completo pulsa en el siguiente enlace:

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